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Eisenbahn Filme Führerstandsmitfahrten Europa
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Im Führerstand. Marseille to Paris, 1 DVD-Video
- DVD - Führerstandsmitfahrt Frankreich
200mph! Our fastest ever Driver’s eye view!

INFO-Programm gemäß § 14 JuSchG

Erschienen bei: Video 125
Driver's eye view

Medium: DVD
Erschienen: 2005
Laufzeit: ca. 107 Min.
Sprache: Englisch, Französisch

EAN: 5027671100438
P-Nr.: 043

Best.-Nr.: 22112009
EUR 22.50
inkl. MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten

Completed in June 2001, the LGV Méditerranée joined up with the LGV Rhône Alpes and the original Paris/Lyon TGV line completing the link between Marseille and Paris.

Now is your chance to see this truly amazing feat of engineering from the cab of a Duplex (double deck) TGV. The Ligne a Grande Vitesse (LGV) features dozens of massive viaducts, tunnels and earthworks cutting a swathe through the French countryside (with no expense spared) to allow for very high speed running.

Marseille vies with Lyon to be the second City of France. Having a population of 1.25 million, as well as being the gateway to the French Riviera, there is ample demand for a high speed rail service with the capital. To make the service comparable with air, a target journey time of three hours was set for the 466 mile route. This could only be achieved with an average start to stop speed of around 155 miles an hour. Our non-stop service achieves just that taking us over the longest TGV route in France whilst beginning and ending via the classic main lines into each City.

DVD MENU OPTIONS: English & French commentaries

Indexed map for easy access to different sections

Bonus footage.

Written and produced by Peter Middleton

Narrated by Alex Reid (English)
Camille Leblay (French)

Picture format 4:3, Dolby Digital Stereo, Code free PAL

INFO-Programm gemäß § 14 JuSchG

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interessiern sich in der Regel auch für folgende Produkte.
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Im Führerstand. Eurostar - Brussels to London St. Pancras, 1 DVD-Video

- DVD - Führerstandsmitfahrt Belgien, Frankreich, England
This is a Driver’s eye view from a class 373 Eurostar, the 0929 Brussels Midi to London St Pancras International calling at Lille Europe and Ebbsfleet International

INFO-Programm gemäß § 14 JuSchG

  EUR 24.50  
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Im Führerstand. Strasbourg to Paris, 1 DVD-Video

- DVD - Führerstandsmitfahrt Frankreich

INFO-Programm gemäß § 14 JuSchG

  EUR 27.50  
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Im Führerstand. Paris - Metro lines 5 and 6, 1 DVD-Video

- DVD - Führerstandsmitfahrt Frankreich
Lines 5 & 6 of the Paris Metro. Steel and rubber! Line 5 runs on conventional steel wheels while Line 6 (much of which is elevated) runs on Michelin pneumatic tyres

INFO-Programm gemäß § 14 JuSchG

  EUR 20.50  
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